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    Ladies, gentlemen, and creatures of the night, gather 'round as we sink our teeth into the life story of everyone's favorite bloodsucker, the one, the only, Count Dracula! Grab your garlic necklaces and hold onto your wooden stakes, because this tale is about to get batty! Our story begins in the misty mountains of Transylvania, where, on a dark and stormy night in 1431 (because of course it was), a baby boy was born to the Drăculești family. They named him Vlad, which roughly translates to "Son of the Dragon" or "Son of the Devil." Talk about setting expectations high! Little did they know that young Vlad would grow up to be the inspiration for the most famous vampire in history. No pressure, kid! Now, before we go any further, let's clear up a common misconception. The historical Vlad Dracula, also known as Vlad the Impaler (spoiler alert: not because of his mad kebab-making skills), was not actually a vampire. He was, however, a real person who ruled Wallachia (part of modern-day Romania) in the 15th century. Our boy Vlad had a reputation for being just a tad bit cruel. And by "tad bit," we mean he made Game of Thrones look like a tea party. Young Vlad had a rough childhood. He was held hostage by the Ottoman Empire, which is basically the medieval equivalent of the worst summer camp ever. Instead of making friendship bracelets, he learned the fine art of impaling his enemies. Not exactly the kind of skill you put on your resume, but it certainly came in handy later in life. When Vlad finally returned home, he found his father murdered and his older brother... well, let's just say his brother wouldn't be borrowing his clothes anymore. Vlad swore revenge, and boy, did he deliver! He took back his father's throne and began his reign of terror. His favorite method of dealing with enemies? Impaling them on giant wooden stakes. It was like a macabre shish kebab party, and Vlad was the overzealous host who just couldn't stop cooking. Vlad's reputation for cruelty spread far and wide. There are stories of him nailing turbans to the heads of Ottoman emissaries (because apparently, he really hated hat removal), dining among a forest of impaled victims (talk about dinner and a show), and even dipping his bread in the blood of his enemies (iron deficiency, perhaps?). It's said that he once impaled 20,000 Ottoman soldiers in a single day. That's what we call a productive Monday! But Vlad wasn't all doom and gloom. He was also known for his strict moral code. He hated dishonesty and theft so much that it's said he placed a golden cup in the town square, daring anyone to steal it. Spoiler alert: nobody did. Whether that was due to the townspeople's honesty or their fear of becoming human shish kebabs is up for debate. Now, you might be wondering, "How did this historical figure become the cape-wearing, garlic-fearing, bat-transforming vampire we know and love?" Well, for that, we need to fast forward a few centuries to 1897, when an Irish author named Bram Stoker decided to write a little book called "Dracula." Stoker, who had never actually been to Transylvania (but had a really good travel agent, apparently), came across the name "Dracula" while researching Romanian history. He thought, "Now that's a name that'll look great on a book cover!" and proceeded to create a character that bore little resemblance to the historical Vlad, but would go on to become one of the most iconic figures in horror literature. Stoker's Dracula was a suave, sophisticated nobleman with a castle, a fancy cape, and an inexplicable aversion to mirrors (bad hair days, perhaps?). He could transform into a bat, control the weather, and had a particular fondness for the necks of young women. It was like a twisted version of a dating profile: "Tall, dark, handsome, enjoys long walks in the moonlight and drinking... unusual cocktails." The book was a hit, and Dracula quickly became the vampire by which all other vampires would be measured. He had it all - the castle, the accent, the dramatic cape... well, okay, maybe he didn't have a reflection, but you can't have everything, right? Dracula's popularity only grew with the advent of film. In 1931, Bela Lugosi donned the cape in the now-classic Universal Pictures adaptation. With his thick accent and hypnotic stare, Lugosi's portrayal cemented the image of Dracula in popular culture. From then on, every Halloween party had at least one guy in a cape saying, "I vant to suck your blood!" in a questionable Eastern European accent. Over the years, Dracula has appeared in countless films, TV shows, books, and even breakfast cereals (Count Chocula, anyone?). He's been portrayed as everything from a terrifying monster to a misunderstood romantic hero. In some versions, he's a tragic figure, cursed to eternal life and a liquid diet. In others, he's basically a bat-themed superhero with a aversion to sunlight. It's like he's the Madonna of the monster world, constantly reinventing himself for new generations. But no matter how he's portrayed, Dracula always maintains certain iconic traits. Let's break down the Dracula starter pack, shall we? The Cape: Because nothing says "I'm an immortal being of the night" like dramatic outerwear. The Accent: Always vaguely Eastern European, even if the actor is from California. The Castle: Because every vampire needs a good real estate portfolio. The Brides: Dracula's personal cheer squad, always ready with a supportive "Yes, Master!" The Bat Transformation: For when you need to make a quick exit and Uber isn't available. The Aversion to Garlic: Leading to a sad, Italian food-free existence. The Hypnotic Powers: Useful for mesmerizing victims and getting out of parking tickets. The Coffin: For when you need a good day's sleep, but a memory foam mattress just won't cut it. Now, let's address some of Dracula's... shall we say, quirks. First off, the man (vampire?) has some serious boundary issues. He's always entering bedrooms uninvited, turning into mist to creep under doors, and generally being the houseguest from hell. And don't even get me started on his dining habits. I mean, who bites someone's neck without at least buying them dinner first? It's just rude. Then there's his weird obsession with counting. Apparently, if you spill a bag of seeds or rice, Dracula will be compelled to count each and every one. It's like he's a vampire with a side gig as an accountant. "One! One victim! Two! Two victims! Three! Three victims! Ah ah ah!" And let's not forget his inexplicable ability to control wolves. Because nothing says "Lord of Darkness" like being a supernatural dog whisperer, right? But perhaps Dracula's biggest flaw is his lack of adaptation. For an immortal being, he's surprisingly set in his ways. Sunlight? Still a problem. Garlic? Still a no-go. Mirrors? Still not his friend. You'd think after a few centuries, he'd invest in some sunscreen, pop an antacid, and get over his reflection issues. But no, Dracula sticks to his old-school vampire ways. It's almost admirable, in a stubborn, self-destructive sort of way. Despite (or perhaps because of) these quirks, Dracula has remained a beloved figure in pop culture for over a century. He's inspired countless imitators, from the brooding vampires of Anne Rice's novels to the sparkly undead of Twilight. But none quite match up to the original Count. He's like the Elvis of vampires - often imitated, never duplicated. In recent years, we've seen all sorts of new interpretations of Dracula. There's the adorkable Dracula of "Hotel Transylvania," voiced by Adam Sandler (because nothing says "Prince of Darkness" like the guy from "The Waterboy"). We've had the sexy, misunderstood Dracula of various romance novels, perfect for readers who like their men tall, dark, and hemoglobinally challenged. And who could forget the Dracula of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," who was less "Lord of Vampires" and more "Mayor of Goofy Town." But no matter how he's portrayed, Dracula continues to captivate audiences. There's just something about him that keeps us coming back for more. Maybe it's his air of mystery, his supernatural powers, or maybe we're all just secretly envious of someone who can pull off a cape. So, what's Dracula up to these days? Well, if the movies are to be believed, he's still out there somewhere, lurking in the shadows, waiting for his next big screen adaptation. Maybe he's taken up a new hobby, like CrossFit or veganism (though that might be a bit of a challenge). Perhaps he's finally embraced modern technology and is now swiping right on Tinder (Bio: "479-year-old Transylvanian noble seeks willing blood donors. Must love night, hate garlic."). Or maybe, just maybe, he's retired to a nice sunny beach somewhere (with a lot of sunscreen), sipping on Bloody Marys and writing his memoirs. Title? "Fangs for the Memories," of course. In all seriousness (well, as serious as we can be in a humorous biography), Dracula's enduring popularity says something about us as a society. He represents our fascination with the unknown, our fear of death, and our secret desire for immortality. He's the ultimate outsider, forever looking in on the world of the living. And let's face it, we all have days where we'd rather hide from the sun and hiss at anyone who disturbs us. So, the next time you see a bat fluttering by your window, or feel a cool breeze on your neck on a dark night, remember old Dracula. He may be fictional, but his impact on our culture is anything but. He's given us over a century of thrills, chills, and questionable Halloween costumes. And really, isn't that the true measure of immortality? In conclusion, whether you see him as a terrifying monster, a tragic hero, or just a guy with a really specialized diet, there's no denying that Dracula has left his mark on our collective psyche. He's the vampire we love to fear and fear to love. So here's to you, Count Dracula, you eternal, neck-biting, cape-swirling, garlic-avoiding legen



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    Chiacchierate Fotografiche è il podcast di Francesca Meana, in collaborazione con il prof. Corrado Crisciani, dedicato agli appassionati di fotografia. Ogni chiacchierata offre uno sguardo informale e rilassato sul mondo della fotografia, attraverso conversazioni con artisti, fotografi, storici ed editor. Nato dall’esperienza didattica del professor Crisciani al Politecnico di Milano, questo podcast è come un aperitivo tra amici, dove la fotografia prende vita in modo semplice e appassionato. Unisciti a noi per esplorare storie, idee e visioni fotografiche.

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    Scandalously saved is a faith based podcast that derives its name from the scandalous act that is salvation. That God loved us so much that in our sin, He sent His beloved son Jesus to die for us. And that through that powerful act there is now nothing that can separate us from the love of God. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from or what you’ve done, salvation is for all. Scandalous. Join me, Tumisang M, as I walk out this journey of salvation. This podcast is dedicated to studying the word and delving on all matters of life as the Holy Spirit leads. Thank you for being here.



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    A community wellness collaborative. The transition from military service can be difficult for any Veteran or their family member. And, whether that transition occurred last week, 10 years ago, or 60 years ago, the challenges remain the same. At Next Chapter, Veteran leaders, healthcare professionals, and community partners join in a collaborative team initiative to deliver the best support for the variety of challenges Veterans and their families face as they write their next chapter. Join us in our podcasts as we talk with Veterans, providers, and more about their Next Chapter.

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    In the pantheon of holiday icons, few figures are as elusive, misunderstood, and persistently believed in as The Great Pumpkin. This rotund, orange deity of the pumpkin patch has captured the imagination of children (well, mainly one child) for decades, proving that with enough belief, even a vegetable can become a legend. This is the story of a pumpkin that dared to dream beyond the confines of its vine and, in doing so, became the most famous no-show in holiday history. Born in a humble pumpkin patch (location undisclosed to protect the privacy of current residents), The Great Pumpkin started life as any other gourd. Its early years were spent doing what pumpkins do best: soaking up the sun, attracting bees, and trying not to become a pie. But this was no ordinary pumpkin. Even as a seedling, it showed signs of greatness, growing at a rate that would make Jack's beanstalk jealous. The other pumpkins in the patch whispered about the ambitious young gourd. "Who does he think he is?" they'd gossip. "The Great Pumpkin or something?" Little did they know, they were sowing the seeds of a legend. The Great Pumpkin's ascent to mythical status was as unlikely as a Charlie Brown football kick actually connecting. It all began when a young boy named Linus Van Pelt, known for his philosophical musings and security blanket dependency, stumbled upon the pumpkin patch. Impressed by the size and majesty of one particular pumpkin, Linus declared it "Great" on the spot. And thus, a legend was born. Linus, with the fervor of a medieval crusader, spread the word about The Great Pumpkin. He spoke of its immense size, its ability to fly, and its penchant for delivering toys to good little children on Halloween night. The fact that no one had ever seen The Great Pumpkin only added to its mystique. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and invisibility makes the legend grow stronger. Every Halloween, Linus would camp out in the pumpkin patch, forsaking tricks, treats, and the company of his friends, all in hopes of catching a glimpse of his gourd god. Armed with nothing but his blanket and unwavering faith, Linus would wait... and wait... and wait some more. The Great Pumpkin, true to its nature as a myth, never showed up. But did this deter Linus? Absolutely not! Each year, he'd come up with increasingly creative explanations for The Great Pumpkin's absence: "He must have gotten lost. The sky is pretty big, you know." "Perhaps he's on a different time zone. Pumpkin Standard Time is tricky." "He probably saw Lucy in the patch and decided to skip this year. Can't blame him, really." These annual vigils became a source of both amusement and concern for the Peanuts gang. Charlie Brown, ever the supportive friend, would often check on Linus, bringing him a sandwich and a healthy dose of skepticism. Sally, Charlie Brown's little sister, was once convinced to join the vigil, only to threaten legal action when The Great Pumpkin failed to appear. Clearly, belief in The Great Pumpkin was not for the faint of heart or the litigiously inclined. Despite (or perhaps because of) its perpetual no-show status, The Great Pumpkin has carved out a significant niche in popular culture. The 1966 TV special "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" became a Halloween staple, teaching generations of children that unwavering belief in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary is... admirable? Concerning? The jury's still out on that one. The Great Pumpkin's influence extends far beyond the world of animation. It has become a shorthand for any mythical figure or unlikely event: Politicians promise to balance the budget? "Sure, and The Great Pumpkin will pay off the national debt." Your friend swears they'll be on time next time? "Right, and I'm The Great Pumpkin." In the world of agriculture, The Great Pumpkin has inspired countless farmers to grow increasingly massive pumpkins, each hoping to claim the title of "The Real Great Pumpkin." These gargantuan gourds, while impressive, lack the essential qualities of flight and toy delivery, proving once again that size isn't everything. When not busy disappointing children on Halloween night, what does The Great Pumpkin do with its time? While we can't know for sure (being imaginary does have its privacy perks), we can speculate on some potential hobbies: Cloud Watching (When you're supposed to be flying through the sky, it helps to know the terrain), Weightlifting (Carrying all those toys requires some serious strength training), Stealth Techniques (The Great Pumpkin's ability to remain unseen is unparalleled. Ninjas have nothing on this sneaky squash), Toy Making (Those presents don't make themselves... or do they?), and Philosophy (The Great Pumpkin ponders deep questions like, "If a pumpkin flies through the sky and no one sees it, does it make a believer?"). Even mythical vegetables need love, and The Great Pumpkin is no exception. While its relationship status remains as elusive as its existence, rumors abound in the patch. Some say it's been seen canoodling with a particularly attractive butternut squash, while others insist it only has eyes for the prized roses in Mr. McGregor's garden. There was a brief scandal in the early '90s when a tabloid ran the headline "Great Pumpkin's Secret Love Child: Is This Tiny Gourd the Heir to the Patch?" The "child" in question turned out to be a small watermelon, and the story was quickly squashed. The existence (or lack thereof) of The Great Pumpkin has sparked philosophical debates that would make Socrates scratch his head. On one side, we have the believers, led by the indefatigable Linus, who argue that faith alone is enough to prove The Great Pumpkin's reality. On the other side, we have... well, everyone else. The debate has led to some interesting philosophical questions: If enough people believe in something, does it make it real? Is it better to believe in something magical and be disappointed, or to never believe at all? If The Great Pumpkin did show up, would it destroy the very essence of what makes it great? These questions have puzzled scholars, children, and confused parents for generations, proving that The Great Pumpkin's greatest gift may be the discussions it inspires. As years have passed, belief in The Great Pumpkin has waxed and waned like the phases of the moon. Yet, every Halloween, there's always at least one child (usually named Linus) sitting in a pumpkin patch, eyes wide with anticipation, waiting for that magical moment when vegetables take flight. The Great Pumpkin's legacy teaches us valuable lessons about faith, perseverance, and the power of imagination. It reminds us that sometimes, the joy is in the waiting, the hoping, and the believing, rather than in the actual receiving. Or at least, that's what we tell ourselves when The Great Pumpkin doesn't show up... again. The Great Pumpkin, in all its non-existent glory, stands as a testament to the power of belief, the strength of tradition, and the human capacity for self-delusion. It proves that with enough conviction, even the most improbable idea can take root and flourish. As we look to future Halloweens, we can be sure of one thing: as long as there are pumpkin patches, wide-eyed children, and a shortage of psychiatric help for 5 cents, The Great Pumpkin will live on. It may never be seen, touched, or empirically proven, but in the hearts of believers (and in holiday TV specials), The Great Pumpkin will always be real. So this Halloween, as you carve your jack-o'-lanterns and hand out candy, spare a thought for The Great Pumpkin. And if you see a lonely figure sitting in a pumpkin patch, blanket in hand, maybe bring them a sandwich. Belief, after all, is hungry work. Tags: The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, Peanuts, Charles M. Schulz, Linus Van Pelt, Halloween, pumpkin patch, mythical figure, belief, faith, humor, biography, pop culture, holiday special, animation, comic strip, Charlie Brown's sister Sally, Lucy Van Pelt, skepticism, yearly tradition, disappointment, unwavering belief, childhood imagination, holiday icon, pumpkin, flying pumpkin, toy delivery, Halloween night, pumpkin patch vigil, cultural impact, philosophical questions, debate, existence, mythology, agricultural inspiration, giant pumpkins, metaphor, popular saying, TV special, holiday tradition, family entertainment, nostalgia, perseverance, imagination, self-delusion, cartoon, happiness is a warm security blanket, sincere pumpkin patch, waiting game, folklore, seasonal tradition, autumn, fall, orange gourd, Peanuts gang, childhood wonder, unshakeable faith, yearly disappointment, holiday mythology, animated classic, Charles Schulz legacy, gourd god, vegetable deity, squash-based belief system, pumpkin-related humor, holiday anticipation, great gourd in the sky, patch-raised prophet, sincere squash, belief in the unbelievable, orange optimism This has been a Quiet Please Production. Head Over to Quiet Please dot A I to “Hear What Matters”



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    Our goal is to raise your awareness about the importance of mental health to build a balanced personality and help you overcome anxiety and depression.هدفنا هو وعيك بالصحة النفسية لبناء شخصية متوازنة، ومساعدتك في التغلب على القلق والاكتئاب.



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    The Bony Life of Jack Skellington: A Biography In the annals of holiday history, few figures stand as tall (quite literally) as Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town. Standing at an impressive height that would make any basketball coach weep with joy, Jack is a skeleton of many talents and even more misadventures. This is the story of a bony boy who dared to dream beyond the confines of his spooky world and, in doing so, nearly ruined Christmas. But hey, who hasn't had a bad day at work, right? Early Years: Growing Up Hollow Born in Halloween Town (exact date unknown, but rumored to be sometime before the invention of calcium supplements), Jack Skellington was always a standout citizen. In a town full of monsters, ghouls, and things that go bump in the night, Jack was the bumper extraordinaire. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Skellington (first names redacted to protect the deceased), knew they had a special child on their hands when young Jack's first words were "Boo!" followed closely by "Tax deduction?" As a youth, Jack excelled in all the traditional Halloween Town subjects: Scaring 101, Advanced Cobweb Spinning, and Intro to Maniacal Laughter. His teachers noted his exceptional ability to contort his bony frame into shapes that would make a pretzel jealous. This talent would serve him well in his future career, though it did make sitting in classroom chairs a bit of a challenge. Rise to Fame: The Boney Road to Stardom Jack's ascent to the title of Pumpkin King was as meteoric as a falling jack-o'-lantern. He quickly made a name for himself in the local scaring circuits, winning the coveted "Most Likely to Cause Involuntary Bladder Release" award three years running. His signature move, the "Skellington Stretch," where he would elongate his limbs to impossible lengths, became the stuff of legend and countless chiropractic nightmares. But it wasn't just his scaring prowess that endeared Jack to the citizens of Halloween Town. His charisma, leadership skills, and ability to organize a killer (pun intended) Halloween bash year after year made him the natural choice for Pumpkin King. Plus, the crown fit perfectly on his skull, which was seen as a sign from the Great Pumpkin itself. The Christmas Caper: A Grave Mistake Now, here's where our bony hero's tale takes a turn for the, well, Christmassy. One fateful night, while taking a contemplative stroll through the Hinterlands (because nothing says "deep thoughts" like a walk through a creepy forest), Jack stumbled upon a magical grove of holiday doors. Intrigued by the door shaped like a Christmas tree, he opened it and was promptly sucked into Christmas Town faster than you can say "figgy pudding." What followed was a series of events that can only be described as a holiday identity crisis of epic proportions. Captivated by the lights, the snow, and the general lack of screaming, Jack decided that he, the Pumpkin King, would take over Christmas. Because apparently, being the master of one holiday wasn't enough for our ambitious skeleton. With the enthusiasm of a child who's had too much candy corn, Jack threw himself into Christmas preparations. He assigned the citizens of Halloween Town various Christmas-related tasks, with results that were about as successful as asking a vampire to be a lifeguard. Lock, Shock, and Barrel, the town's resident troublemakers, were sent to kidnap "Sandy Claws" (because clearly, proper noun pronunciation wasn't Jack's strong suit). The Christmas Eve that followed was a disaster of epic proportions. Jack, dressed in a Sandy Claws outfit that did nothing to hide the fact that he was, you know, a skeleton, took to the skies in a coffin sleigh pulled by skeletal reindeer. He delivered presents that were more trick than treat: shrunken heads, vampire teddy bears, and other assorted nightmares that sent children screaming into the night. It turns out that "The Nightmare Before Christmas" was less a title and more a warning label. The Aftermath: Picking Up the Bony Pieces After being shot down by military forces (because nothing says "Merry Christmas" like anti-aircraft fire), Jack had a moment of clarity. Realizing that perhaps he should stick to what he knows best (scaring the living daylights out of people), he rushed back to Halloween Town to set things right. With the help of his loyal ghost dog Zero and his admirer Sally, Jack managed to rescue Santa Claus and save Christmas, proving that even skinless, he had a good heart. The experience taught Jack a valuable lesson about appreciating one's own talents and not trying to be something you're not. It also taught the citizens of the world that if they ever see a flying coffin in the sky on Christmas Eve, it's best to just keep the children indoors and the military on speed dial. Love in the Afterlife: Sally and Jack's Bone-afide Romance No biography of Jack Skellington would be complete without mentioning his romantic entanglement with Sally, the stitched-together creation of the mad scientist Dr. Finkelstein. Their love story is proof that even in the world of the undead, there's someone for everyone – even if that someone occasionally loses limbs and has to sew them back on. Sally, with her ability to detach body parts at will (a handy skill in any relationship), was drawn to Jack's charisma and creativity. She was also one of the few residents of Halloween Town with enough sense to realize that Jack's Christmas plan was about as solid as a ghost's handshake. Her attempts to warn Jack went unheeded, proving that even skeletal heartthrobs can be thick-skulled sometimes. Their relationship blossomed in the aftermath of the Christmas fiasco, with Jack finally noticing Sally's devotion. The two sealed their love with a kiss on Spiral Hill, a moment that had everyone in Halloween Town reaching for a tissue (or in the case of the Melting Man, reaching for himself). Jack's Hobbies and Interests: More Than Just a Bag of Bones When not planning Halloween festivities or accidentally hijacking other holidays, Jack has a variety of interests that keep his non-existent brain occupied: Poetry: Jack is an avid poet, often composing verses that would make Edgar Allan Poe say, "Dude, lighten up a bit." Science Experiments: His collaborations with Dr. Finkelstein have resulted in some interesting creations, though after the Christmas incident, he's been banned from any experiment involving reindeer or sleighs. Fashion Design: Jack's slender frame makes him a natural clothes horse. He's particularly proud of his collection of bat bow ties. Yoga: Being able to bend in impossible ways makes Jack a natural yogi. His "Downward Facing Ghoul" pose is particularly impressive. Cooking: Though he doesn't eat himself, Jack enjoys cooking for others. His specialty? Bone broth, of course. Jack's Impact on Popular Culture: The Skeleton Key to Success Jack Skellington's influence extends far beyond the borders of Halloween Town. He's become an icon in his own right, inspiring countless pieces of merchandise, artwork, and even fashion. Hot Topic stores across the world owe a significant portion of their profits to Jack's skinny visage gracing t-shirts, hoodies, and accessories. His impact on the goth subculture cannot be overstated. Jack proved that you can be macabre and a hopeless romantic at the same time, giving hope to misunderstood teens everywhere that they too can find love, preferably with someone who appreciates a good skull motif. In the world of cinema, Jack's tale has become a holiday classic, bridging the gap between Halloween and Christmas. It's the go-to movie for those who can't decide whether they're in the mood for spooky or merry, proving that with the right attitude (and a killer soundtrack), you can have your pumpkin pie and eat it too. Jack Skellington's journey from Pumpkin King to would-be Santa Claus and back again is a testament to the power of self-discovery, the importance of staying true to oneself, and the dangers of cultural appropriation (even with the best intentions). His story reminds us that it's okay to be curious about other traditions, but maybe don't try to take them over completely – especially if your version involves potentially traumatizing children. As Jack continues to reign over Halloween Town, delighting and frightening in equal measure, he stands as a beacon for all those who feel a little different, a little misunderstood. He shows us that even if you're a skeleton, you can still have a backbone when it counts. In the end, Jack Skellington is more than just the Pumpkin King; he's a friend, a lover, a leader, and a reminder that sometimes, the most horrifying thing you can be is yourself – and that's perfectly okay. Just maybe don't try to deliver presents on Christmas Eve. Leave that to the professionals. This has been a Quiet Please Production. Head over to Quiet Please dot a i to “Hear What Matters”



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    Panther Propaganda is a Florida Panthers podcast hosted by South Florida natives Zach Letson and Dylan Poliakoff. We're diehards. A podcast for Florida Panthers fans, by Florida Panthers fans. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



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    Catch up with Jay Alderton's Live Stream Q&A Session from this Years Santa Shred Challenge



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    Bienvenue dans TRIBU, le podcast où on apprend à être parent, avec bienveillance et authenticité. Que tu sois déjà parent ou en devenir, ici tu trouveras des conseils pratiques, des échanges avec des spécialistes de la petite enfance et des témoignages inspirants pour t’accompagner dans l’aventure de la parentalité ! Chaque semaine, je discute avec des experts de la petite enfance, des professionnels de la santé et des mamans de tous les horizons, pour démystifier des sujets comme le sommeil des enfants, l’alimentation, les crises de pleurs, et bien plus encore. Ensemble, nous partageons des astuces concrètes pour que tu te sentes mieux équipé(e) et plus serein(e) dans ton rôle de parent.Parce qu’il faut une tribu pour élever un enfant, rejoins-nous pour un moment d’échange, de réconfort et de soutien !Écoute, apprends, et fais grandir ta propre tribu avec nous ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.



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    “Abriendo ventanas” es el podcast de AICLAB, Art in Company Lab, la Asociación que tiene como objetivo LLEVAR EL ARTE AL MUNDO DE LA EMPRESA. Nuestro trabajo está en transformar las Organizaciones en espacios de creación, liberando de forma consciente el potencial imaginativo, colaborativo y ejecutivo de las personas.  Conseguir que estas estructuras compuestas se humanicen mejorando el bienestar, el rendimiento y la productividad de las empresas.   Con este podcast dirigido por la periodista Carmen Santos Garaicoechea, experta en comunicación corporativa y audiovisual, iniciamos una serie de conversaciones  con artistas y profesionales que trabajan despertando la sensibilidad dentro de las organizaciones empresariales, potenciando  todos los sentidos. Queremos conocer cómo consiguen ponerlo en práctica, cuál es su experiencia y cuáles han sido los beneficios para las organizaciones. BIO Carmen Santos Garaicoechea Experta en Comunicación Corporativa y Audiovisual. Ha trabajado en prensa y televisión liderando proyectos   y equipos en   TVE, Telemadrid, Grupo Planeta, Real Madrid TV, Corporación Extremeña de Medios…  Profesora Universitaria actualmente asesora a la UNIR y dirige programas de Habilidades de Comunicación. 

    ArtsPerforming Arts


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